Top 10 Worst Earthquakes in India

An Earthquake is basically the vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy. This energy radiates in all directions from the source, focus, in the form of waves. The intensity of an earthquake and the destruction it causes are greater over softer soil regions, for example on alluvial soils, than on more rocky areas. The magnitude or intensity of energy released by an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale. It ranges from between 0 and 9. India is divided into five earthquake Zones (Seismic Zones) based on the intensities of earthquakes recorded on the Modified Mercalli Scale.

Top 10 Worst Earthquakes in India

1. Indian Ocean
Deaths: > 283,106
Date, Time and Year: 08:50, December 26, 2004
Magnitude: 9.1–9.3
Epicentre: West coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
2. Kashmir
Deaths: 130,000
Date, Time and Year: 08:50:38, October 8, 2005
Magnitude: 7.6
Epicentre: Muzaffarabad, Pakistan-administered Kashmir    
3. Bihar and Nepal
Deaths: > 30,000
Date, Time and Year: 14:13, January 15, 1934
Magnitude: 8.7
Epicentre: South of Mount Everest
4. Gujarat
Deaths: 20,000
Date, Time and Year: 08:50:00, January 26, 2001
Magnitude: 7.7
Epicentre: Kutch, Gujarat
5. Kangra
Deaths: > 20,000
Date, Time and Year: 06:10, April 4, 1905
Magnitude: 7.8
Epicentre: Himalayas
6. Latur
Deaths: > 9,748
Date, Time and Year: 22:25, September 30, 1993
Magnitude: 6.4
Epicentre: Killari, Latur
7. Assam
Deaths: 1,526
Date, Time and Year: 19:39, August 15, 1950
Magnitude: 8.6
Epicentre: Rima, Tibet
8. Assam
Deaths: 1500
Date, Time and Year: 17:11, June 12, 1897
Magnitude: 8.1
Epicentre: Exact location not known
9. Uttarkashi
Deaths: >1,000
Date, Time and Year: Unknown time, October 20, 1991
Magnitude: 6.8
Epicentre: Garhwal, Uttarakhand
10. Koynanagar
Deaths: 180
Date, Time and Year: 04:21, December
Magnitude: 6.5
Epicentre: Koyna
The Indian subcontinent has a history of earthquakes. The reason for the intensity and high frequency of earthquakes is that the Indian plate driving into Asia at a rate of approximately 49 mm/year.

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