List of Important Article of the Constitution

List of Important Article of the Constitution

Indian Constitution when adopted by Constituent Assembly in 1949 had 395 articles and 22 parts. Many other articles and three other parts were added to it by subsequent constitutional amendments. As of now the Constitution Of India contains more than 444 articles in 25 parts.

List of Important Article of the Constitution



Article 1-4
Deals with the territory of India, formation of new states, alterations, names of existing states.
Article 5-11
Deals with various rights of citizenship.
Article 12-35
Deals with fundamental rights of Indian Citizen Abolition of untouchability and titles.
Articles 36-51
Deals with Directive Principles of State Policy
Articles 51A
This part was added by 42nnd Amendment in 1976, which contains the fundamental duties of the citizens.
Articles 52-151
Deals with government at the centre level.
Articles 152-237
Deals with government at the state level.
Article 238
Deals with States.
Articles 239-241
Deals with Union Territories
Articles 242-243
It consists of two parts: (i) added by 73rdamendment in 1992, which contains a new schedule. It contains 29 subjects related to Panchayati Raj, who have been given administrative powers.
(ii) It is added by 74th amendment in 1992, which contains a new schedule. It contains 18 subjects relate to municipalities, who have been given administrative powers.
Articles 244-244A
Deals with scheduled and tribal areas.
Articles 245-263
Deals with the relationship between union and states.
Articles 264-300A
Deals with the distribution of revenue between union and states, appointment of Finance Commission etc.
Article 301-307
Deals with the trade, commerce and intercourse within the territory of India.
Article 308-323
Deals with Union Public Service Commissionand State Public Services Commissions.
Article 323A, 323B
Added by 42nd Amendment in 1976. Deals with administrative tribunals set up by parliament to hear disputes and complaints regarding Union, states or local Government Employees.
Articles 324-329
Deals with election.
Articles 330-342
Deals with special provision for SCs and STs and Anglo-Indian Representatives.
Articles 343-351
Deals with official language of union and states.
Article 352-360
Deals with emergency provisions, President’s rule.
Articles 361-367
Deals with exemption of criminal proceedings for their official acts of president and governors.
Article 368
Deals with Amendment of constitution.
Article 369-392
Article 370 deals with Special status to J&K.
Article 371A
Gives special provisions with respect to state of Nagaland.
Articles 393-395
Deals with the short title, commencement and repeal of the constitution.
Indian Constitution contains fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens. In the above list of general knowledge deals with the Important Articles of the Indian Constitution for the aspirants of the different examinations.

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