Indian Dams and Rivers

Indian Dams and Rivers
 1. The Tunga Bhadra Dam is located at
a) Andhra Pradesh
b) Telangana
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Karnataka
Answer- d
2. The Mettur Dam associated with which river?
a) Narmada
b) Vaigai
c) Kaveri
d) Tapi
Answer- c
3. The Ukai Dam is associated with which river?
a) Mahandai
b) Narmada
c) Tapti
d) Chenab
Answer- c
4. The Indira Sagar Dam is in
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Gujarat
d) Karnataka
Answer- b
5. The Baglihar Dam is associated with river
a) Jhelum
b) Chenab
c) Ravi
d) Beas
Answer- b
6. The Sardar Sarovar Dam of Narmadha River is in which state?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Maharashtra
c) Gujarat
d) Rajasthan
Answer- c
7. The Bhakra Nangal Dam is associated with which river?
a) Jhelum
b) Sutlej
c) Kosi
d) Narmada
Answer- b
8. The Lakhwar Dam is associated with which river?
a) Ganga
b) Yamuna
c) Kosi
d) Tapi
Answer- b
9. The Tehri Dam is associated with which river?
a) Yamuna
b) Bhagirathi
c) Arun
d) Sutlej
Answer- b
10. The Idukki Arch Dam of Periyar River is in
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Andhra Pradesh
Answer- b

Dam and rivers are expected gk questions in all Competitive exams

1. In which River Hirakud dam (longest dam in India) is situated ?
Answer: Mahanadi (Odisha)

2. In which River Bhakranangal dam (largest dam in India) is situated ?
Answer: Sutlej (Himachal Pradesh)

3. In which River Tehri Dam (highest dam in India) is situated ?
Answer: Bhagirathi River (Uttarakhand)

4. In which River Nagarjunasagar Dam is situated ?
Answer: Krishna River

* 5. In which state the Baglihar Dam situates ?
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir (in river Chinab)

*6. In which state the Ukai Dam situates ?
Answer: Gujarat (in river Tapti)

* 7. In which state the Pong Dam situates ?
Answer: Himachal Pradesh (in river Beas)

* 8. In which state the Koyna Dam situates ?
Answer: Maharashtra (in river Koyna)

* 9. In which state the Osman Sagar damsituates ?
Answer: Andhra Pradesh (in river Musi )

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